and has acutally gotten pretty good at sewing nice little stitches if I draw a line for her to follow. I take out all the crooked ones - just like "Ma" in the Little House on the Prairie books.
I'vebeen working on a quilt too -- for Oliver -- from the fabric I had in my box. I just have to put the top and bottom together and edge it and he'll be all set.
My "victory garden" is starting to produce. My radishes are quite spicy!
Ezra's been using new words like "am" which is pretty exciting in the world of language. He said to me today "I am awake now" -- where as he used to say "I awake now" and some kids say "I is awake" . . .so that's kind of cool. It just makes him sound more grown upthough *sigh* . . .
Oliver's been smiling a lot more this week -- he's at a nice hefty 17 pounds now -- WOW! and wearing his six month clothes already! (for those of us who are counting, he turns three months on Tuesday). Sadly -- the only photos I thought to take of him this last week or so have been when he's sleeping.
He's pretty cute!!
So that's life around here. Over and out!