Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Happy Birthday, Mima!

Ezra Says "Happy Mima!" and "Yuv You!" for Mima's Birthday! Aurelia sings the birthday song for Mima :) Happy Birthday, mom! we won't post your age, but we're glad you're still around to celebrate it with us! lovelove! sarah

Sunday, January 27, 2008

John 3:16

Aurelia learned this verse this week, so "who-be-ever-lieves" it not, can see for themselves on this video :) Other than that - it was a quiet week. I didn't feel like doing much and we kept missing open hours at the library somehow. It rained a lot so we spent a good amount of time coloring, rolling cars around, and building tents. The kids and I had a nice visit with my Granna and Poppa and had yummy bean soup on Tuesday. Jason actually was home Thursday afternoon so we got to go to Coscto and get some shredded and string cheeses (staples in our home) and spaghetti sauce (we were really struggling with my home-made experiments). Ezra busted his lip open, Friday, on the tiles and milked his injury for TWO popsicles. He's feeling much better now and doesn't look bad either. It looks like I might not be teaching those classes after all, not enough students have signed up - there's a minimum per each class apparently. Oh well -- maybe in the fall. The pregnancy is still progressing well and I'll have another sonogram soon so maybe I can post that in a few weeks. And I think that's all, folks! Have a good one!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sing Along

I thought I'd include a photo of me this week so you all could see how my belly grows. It's not a great angle, but - whatever. The second is a photo of when Ezra and Aurelia flipped their slide over in the play room so they could climb on top of it. Ezra and Aurelia then sat on top singing (mouths wide open) to Ezra's little people.
I was just talking to a friend this week about the fun of having more than one kid. I love how they play together. Ezra follows Aurelia around repeating her words and actions. If she does something "so cool!" Ezra has to try it and say, "Watch, Mama" so I can ooh and ahh over him too. Also, he's so much more imaginative at this age than Aurelia was because he has her example. It's funny, though, to see how they're different too. Sometimes he'll get all his cars and trucks and roll them across the kitchen floor one at a time. Or he'll load them into his Big Truck and "zoom zoom zoom" them around the house.
I'm really looking forward to having two boys to play together, and Aurelia's going to be a great Big Sis of two. She's so helpful with Ezra: playing with him, calming him down, encouraging him. I'm glad God gave us her first and that they love each other so much. Anywho. Enjoy the photos and I'll update again next week : ) Sarah

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Here's kind of what we do in a normal week. Read books, color, make weird noises while bouncing on Daddy's knee. Hugs. Oh, yeah, spanks too -- but I didn't take any pictures of that -- it's not cute when that happens. I rearranged the living room. We inflated the big bouncy ball. I paid off the fines on my library card. I moved my art table into my bedroom so maybe I'll have time to scrap. We visited with my aunties and my grandpa. Mima finally got to come back and babysit for us on Wednesday nights again!! We got to see cousins Lily and Isaac for the first time since Christmas! We opened more Christmas presents. It was a good week.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Busy Week!

Good Monday to you all!
Here's an update of what went on in our house this first full week of the new year.
- Aurelia had her hair cut. She wanted it shorter.
- Ezra learned how to climb out of his crib and open doors. A very exciting discovery for Jason and myself.
- The kids went on a flashlight adventure at Great Gramps' house when the power was out. Aurelia did NOT like the witch with the flashing eyes.
- Aurelia and Ezra have been binky free for five days now and they're doing really well, but they do still ask when they will get them back.
- Sarah took her blood sugar test at the lab and it came back normal, so the pregnany is still going well. She's only gained 16 pounds so far.
- Jason got to be home most of the week because the factory only just opened back up on Wednesday, so the kids had a FUN week and the house was a little cleaner than normal (which isn't saying much.)
Anywho. Have a good week! Feel free to call or write!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Santa doesn't come to our house, but we do go visit him. Ezra wasn't too impressed. Aurelia got a "Princess drawing desk." She was pretty happy.
It's a brand new year! We're going to try to stay updated on this thing so you can see what's going on in our lives. A quick review of 2007: Aurelia asked Jesus to live in her heart and learned how to write her alphabet letters and numbers so she spends a lot of time writing "letters" to people now. Ezra learned to walk, run and do somersaults, and is now spending a lot of energy trying to talk and do whatever "sissie" is doing. Jason's loan work went downhill with the California housing market and now he has his own business selling custom blinds and shutters and sometimes cleaning out foreclosed houses for the gov. Sarah is pregnant with baby #3 due at the end of March and getting bigger! (90 days to go!). If everything works out she'll spend the last eight weeks of her pregnancy teaching two enrichment classes one day a week at a home/charter school. Math games and Intro to Spanish. If she likes it, she may go back to doing this in the fall. So - that's what we've been up to. We're going to try to post some photos too. Happy New Year!