Tuesday, January 1, 2008

It's a brand new year! We're going to try to stay updated on this thing so you can see what's going on in our lives. A quick review of 2007: Aurelia asked Jesus to live in her heart and learned how to write her alphabet letters and numbers so she spends a lot of time writing "letters" to people now. Ezra learned to walk, run and do somersaults, and is now spending a lot of energy trying to talk and do whatever "sissie" is doing. Jason's loan work went downhill with the California housing market and now he has his own business selling custom blinds and shutters and sometimes cleaning out foreclosed houses for the gov. Sarah is pregnant with baby #3 due at the end of March and getting bigger! (90 days to go!). If everything works out she'll spend the last eight weeks of her pregnancy teaching two enrichment classes one day a week at a home/charter school. Math games and Intro to Spanish. If she likes it, she may go back to doing this in the fall. So - that's what we've been up to. We're going to try to post some photos too. Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Kellie DiPietro said...

Love this idea, Sarah! If I do this all year, I won't have to do a Christmas letter! Do you mind if I blatantly steal your ideas? They say imitation is the highest form of flattery :)
