Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sing Along

I thought I'd include a photo of me this week so you all could see how my belly grows. It's not a great angle, but - whatever. The second is a photo of when Ezra and Aurelia flipped their slide over in the play room so they could climb on top of it. Ezra and Aurelia then sat on top singing (mouths wide open) to Ezra's little people.
I was just talking to a friend this week about the fun of having more than one kid. I love how they play together. Ezra follows Aurelia around repeating her words and actions. If she does something "so cool!" Ezra has to try it and say, "Watch, Mama" so I can ooh and ahh over him too. Also, he's so much more imaginative at this age than Aurelia was because he has her example. It's funny, though, to see how they're different too. Sometimes he'll get all his cars and trucks and roll them across the kitchen floor one at a time. Or he'll load them into his Big Truck and "zoom zoom zoom" them around the house.
I'm really looking forward to having two boys to play together, and Aurelia's going to be a great Big Sis of two. She's so helpful with Ezra: playing with him, calming him down, encouraging him. I'm glad God gave us her first and that they love each other so much. Anywho. Enjoy the photos and I'll update again next week : ) Sarah

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