Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Play Dough!

With Oliver's track record of eating (or trying to eat) everything he sees, (which is how he keeps up his chubby figure) I was holding out on trying playdough. I mean, he eats crayons, markers, pencils, beads, you name it - he's a tactile kind of kid. But for his first run with the salty home-made playdough I was surprised! Maybe it's because he only got to watch the big kids for a while, but he did not put it in his mouth, and that was "a good thing."

A tower.
A cookie (cutter).
A dead thing.
Oh yeah - Ezra: "see?"
and Aurelia, the "eighth" dwarf!

*my camera has been dropped too many times, which is why the date on the photos is off . .

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