Saturday, August 16, 2008


I guess I was feeling fairly energetic the other day so we set off for the "lake" with our wagon and our bike. It's just a man-made lake not too far from our home, with a lovely park across the street. The day was windy and a little cool, so we donned our coats and blankets, loaded up and headed out. The walk around the lake was enjoyably slow and filled with wonderful sights and sounds - the sun glinting off the surface of the rippling water, fuzzy-headed ducks searching for - well, whatever it is that ducks search for under the water, pink roses, long limbed willow trees, and dogs on leashes.

Our time at the park was relaxing for me (finally a rest from pulling that wagon!) and the kids found this particular play structure to be quite adventurous.

The teeter-totter didn't work out for the three of us *wink*,

and Oliver awoke from his nap refreshed and hungry.

Finally we headed home to enjoy lunch and a well-deserved nap! I was feeling so susie-homemaker that when the kids got up I made Pink salt and cornstarch playdough. The recipe is on the side. This is some good playdough- let me tell you - and we had a lot of fun.

In other news, Oliver is now wearing twelve month clothing, hitting 19 pounds at four (and a half) months, and he's learned a new (one of my favorites) face - which also means, he's ready for solid foods. We'll be starting with those soon.

That's all for now in the Ward household - signing out. Sarah

1 comment:

Michelle Widman said...

Sarah, where in the world is there a man-made lake with a park across the street in Oakley?